Euroquiz Final 2021 - the results!

Congratulations to pupils from St Joseph’s Primary School in Linlithgow who won the Scottish European Educational Trust’s National Euroquiz Final 2021, which took place online earlier this week. The winners from St Joesph’s were closely followed by Strathblane Primary School (Stirling) and George Watson’s College Junior School (3rd place). Over 1,300 pupils from 270 schools took part in the Euroquiz project in 2021, which really highlights the achievements of all schools who made it to the final.

Given the current safety restrictions, we were unfortunately unable to host the event in the Scottish Parliament this year. However, we were delighted to receive a video message from Deputy Presiding Officer Annabelle Ewing MSP who shared a special message for pupils taking part remotely. Participating schools also showed off their linguistic talents by introducing themselves in different languages to their peers across Scotland. You can tune in to watch the full event via the link below.

Well done to all pupils across Scotland who participated in the Euroquiz Heats and Final in 2021.

If you missed the event, you can catch up here:


Euroquiz CLPL


Our World Premiere & Awards Ceremony 2021